Significant effort was made to survey matlab programming interests among ornithologists and others interested. A long interview was achieved with ornithologist hobbyist, Bill Karlstrm, and previous doctor and hunter, Gunnar Stenstrm. Shorter interviews were also made with matlab random alternative of six people to cover different categories of folks. The idea of matlab programming cellphone application was to port matlab programming identification algorithm to matlab hand held device to be able to make it essentially useful in real life situations. While matlab complete, functioning app was not in matlab programming scope of matlab programming assignment much time and conception was put into how an eventual app would function and look like. The Android platform is in line with matlab programming GNU Linux Operating System OS. The purpose of any data acquisition system is to collect useful size data for characterization, monitoring, or control. The ROM consists of only part of matlab programming operating system, and usually matlab programming part that initializes matlab programming computer. In matlab programming interim, agencies enjoy cheaper price using big data analytics software. GRIFFIN is instrumented with matlab customized state of matlab programming art electronic data acquisition system. The resistance of RTD is 200 ohm and matlab programming value of resistance R is 10 k2. AiM Tech is matlab world leader in motor sports and race data acquisition generation, manufacturing data loggers, digital shows, lap timers, stopwatches and gauges for functionality and racing automobiles.